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Get free advice from a digital strategist

Our passion is to help B2B companies grow with the right deals. Vi erbjuder 60-minuters rådgivning där vi går igenom hur er transformationsresa kan se ut. Our starting point is your current situation and the goal is a fully integrated digital business process.

You will get:

  • Recommendations for how you should assess your current situation
  • Tips on how to combine sales and marketing
  • Understanding of how to attract new customers
  • Method for how you streamline your sales and marketing
  • And above all what the journey to the destination looks like.

To get the most out of this consultation, you should be a B2B company with growth ambitions that currently has a turnover of 15 to 150 million. It is also important that you who participate are at management level in your company so that we can have a good dialogue.


Do you need help growing your business?

Cooach is a pan-European service provider and investor specialising in helping entrepreneurs through the entire investment phase. Book a meeting and let us tell you more about how we  can help you.  

Please fill in the form below and book a meeting in the calendar that will pop up in the next step.

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