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Business Area Subscription Marketing and Sales

With a Sales & Marketing subscription, you get a monthly measurement and chat support from your expert in lead generation.
A Sales and Marketing subscription provides you with a personal expert in digital lead generation. We start the journey towards a more efficient sales process by calculating the most important key figure, namely the time it takes to earn the cost of bringing in a new customer (CAC payback period). We put your company’s metrics in relation to the goal and you get an index that is visualised in the Dashboard in our portal. A monthly measurement and follow up meeting dedicated expert in lead generation is included. Together we streamline the process and reduce the cost of customer acquisition.
What’s included:
  • Monthly KPI measurement
  • Chat support from your digital lead generation expert
  • Monthly follow up of action
We can work for you
More marketing services

CMO on demand

Access a senior marketing expert for marketing strategy and go-to-market plans & presentations, all without having to pay a full-time salary.

Marketeer on demand

Specializing in digital marketing, promotion, and content creation, our on-demand marketers will serve as an efficient and cost-effective team.

Do you need help growing your business?

Cooach is a pan-European service provider and investor specialising in helping entrepreneurs through the entire investment phase. Book a meeting and let us tell you more about how we  can help you.  

Please fill in the form below and book a meeting in the calendar that will pop up in the next step.

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