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Marketing and sales

Implementing CRM system

A CRM system is needed for efficiency in sales

CRM systems have been used for many years and are becoming more and more critical to increase efficiency linked to personal selling. Modern CRM systems should also contain functionality for Marketing Automation or be tightly integrated with this type of system.

Modern CRM systems must be adapted to support a unique and efficient sales process and make it easy for staff to conduct their work and offer a large measure of opportunities for automation. The system must also be tightly integrated with e.g. e-mail, calendar, and other types of productivity tools.

Introducing a CRM system is carried out in seven steps:

  • A preliminary study includes:
    – Analysis of what the buying journey and sales process looks like for different types of business
    – How the market is segmented
    – How salespeople work today with their sales process
    – Which existing CRM data is available
  • Suggestions are made on how adaptations need to be made to suit the specific needs
  • Introduction of adaptations
  • Tests
  • Imports of data
  • Commissioning
  • Training of users

Throughout the years, Cooach has introduced a large number of systems from different types of suppliers. We are now mainly working with the market-leading system Hubspot and Sharpspring, with which we have strategic partnerships.

Fill in the form on the right and mark the option “Launch CRM system” if you want to discuss how we can help you implement a CRM system.


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